Jul 28, 2010
Jul 24, 2010
Jul 20, 2010
Jul 16, 2010
Pack of Lies - Book Review
Paranormal romance is hot -- in many senses of the word. I can't turn around without tripping on a new paranormal tale. Usually it's vampires or demons that take the fore but there are the occasional werewolf book such as Vanessa Vaughn's Pack of Lies.
The story of Jack, a human attacked by a werewolf who survives and finds himself infected, and Marcus, the alpha wolf that attacked Jack, Vaughn explores group dynamics (of Marcus's pack), submissive/dominance (in the animal and human kingdoms), and some raw, hot, sex. As to be expected from that set-up, there's a lot of tension between Jack and Marcus and some hot animalistic man-on-man lovin'. Vaughn doesn't pull any punches when it comes to the sex. She writes some eye-searing passages that will get your pulse pounding.
Only available as an eBook (not my favorite format), get this via Amazon.
Jul 12, 2010
eLust 17
Big thanks to the crew at eLust for including my story, Saturday Night Plans, as part of their 17th (!) collection.
Photo courtesy of Elle from Kink Unleashed
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- Your source for sexual intelligence and inspirations of lust from the smartest & sexiest bloggers! Whether you're looking for hot steamy smut, thought-provoking opinions or expert information, you're going to find it here. Want to be included in e[lust] #18? Start with the rules, check out the schedule and subscribe to the RSS feed
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Editor's Note: A little change in how things are done for this edition - you'll notice there are no "Top 3" picks - due in part to the holiday I ended up being extremely short on judges and I didn't have enough for fair voting. So instead, I expanded my "Featured Post". (If you'd like to volunteer to be an occasional judge for e[lust], just email me, Lilly, at questions.e.lust @ gmail.com) Also, please be sure to check out the new summer schedule
in effect until the 20th edition.
~ Featured Posts (Lilly's Pick) ~
Why Pride is Still Important
- When someone tells me that they don't think Pride is necessary, I can't help but believe that they go through life with tunnel vision. I live in New York where for the most part I can walk around being a big ol' queen and I'll make it home alive, but there are people who live in places where they can't. Even here in New York you'll get called a faggot from time to time by passing cars or groups of punks, and even here in New York I hear stories of people getting the shit kicked out of them just because they were gay.
Fantasies and Condoms
- Our culture has created a narrative in which sex only feels good and looks sexy if no one is protected. We're all suffering from this narrative, but sex workers are probably suffering the most.
~ e[lust] Editress ~
Some days we need a little hope
- I encourage you to practice random acts of kindness that could be worthy of inclusion on the site (GivesMeHope.com). Be nice, be caring, let your heart open up just for the sake of bringing someone some happiness or comfort. Do you know how good it feels to just give?
Kink & Fetish
An Anal Adventure
Bound in the Night
Being a Tart
Danger may explode without warning
Found It: Pearls for the Submissive Wife
Morning Rituals
Shoe Slut
(another!) Shoe Slut
Spanking my ass while fucking so he feels every wiggle
Submission is impossible in the absence of humanity
Strip, boy
Swallow Falls
The Trigger
The Beast with Three Backs
Erotic Writing
A long hot day
And then we kissed...
A Picture of Lust
Ass Plug
'Come For Me...'
Exchange II
Forbidden Fantasy
Fucking Mika for the first time
Good Things Come To Those Who Wait
Getting Off...On The Road
Katie's First Time
Master Class
My Favourite Waste of Time
Microfantasy Monday, week 84: Addiction
Picture to Word 2
Saturday Night Plans
Safe Sex
The Train
Thunderstorms are Sexy
Teaching Respect (Part 1)
You First
Thoughts & Advice on Sex & Relationships
Adventures in Birth Control
Erotic Awakening: A Swinger's Comments
Friends With Benefits His Lush Behind!
Getting Started - Hotel Parties
Greetings From The Deep End - Swinging and Openness
How To Have Multiple Orgasms
Mr. Strong
Play Safe. Stay Safe. Get Tested. Be Protected.
Political Cuddling: Asking, Talking, Touching
Reflections on Glass
Something I Wish I'd Had 10 Years Ago
Sex: A required part of the college curriculum
Shades of Grey
Three's Company
Ten Life Lessons I'm Learning from Enslavement
Walk of Shut The Fuck Up
Sex News, Interviews, Politics and Humor
Interview with Scarlett Chaos aka Essin'Em
The Media is Not Responsible for Your Poor Body Image
To Shave or Not to Shave